Corporate Compliance

Business Ethics

We do business beyond fiscal stimulus. We have been successful in doing business and providing services to our clients for many years and that is how we also got to know the challenges and difficulties faced by our clients and each stakeholder in the industry.

We do business with people of different backgrounds. Any form of discrimination among our clients or our employees will never be promoted or tolerated by Seashell marine enterprises UK Ltd and we always treat everyone equally.

We believe in, life beyond business and thus respect individuality and equality, we support all our people to be themselves and showcase their best skills.

Code of Conduct

We always ensure that everyone is treated equally and any discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality etc while doing business services also among our employees will never be promoted and appropriate action will be taken without fail.

You can see our commitment in our daily work, all our activities, and business practices which are to be carried out in line with the company’s corporate code of conduct and rule book. Each employee is personally accountable for their actions that will reflect on the reputation of our organization and breach the company’s code of conduct

Privacy Policy

We comply with and respect client privacy laws while doing business with us and process personal and corporate data fairly and lawfully. Our access to this data is just within our organization that too only on need to know basis

We do not use your data other than intended purpose, and we minimize data collection where feasible. At Seashell marine enterprises UK Ltd, we maintain data privacy policies and procedures and maintain dedicated physical and digital security standards.

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